What did I do when I woke up one morning and realized that life was going by too quickly? I went camping! In June of 2009 my life changed in a blink of an eye. I became a widowed mom of a 7 year old son, David and a 13 month old girl, Brooke. I never imagined I would be a single parent, but God... Wow, God in his amazing abilities has really carried us for the last 9 years. I went to bed one night in early 2017 and realized that my children were growing up so fast and we lived a very busy fast paced life. I really pondered what I could do to slow our family down and really learn to enjoy each other. The next morning I woke up and thought camping! We are going to start camping, now where do I start?
Sometime, back in 2016, I bought a tent and supplies, but I never got the courage to go on my own. Within a very short time of considering a future camping trip I received an invite to a staff camping trip with the school I work for in Mesa, AZ (Faith Christian School). What an exciting idea! All the people I love and adore, out in the wilderness, enjoying life together! Then all the staff started chatting. I learned that several had trailers and were making plans for future camping trips. I am not one to sit and simmer a decision. I usually make decisions quickly and rarely regret them. So in May 2017 I decided that I wanted a pop up trailer and committed to camping monthly for a year. I bought that pop up in late June 2o17 with the help of a couple of my friends' husbands, and started our camping journey in July 2017. Although I had the pop up I had already committed to using our tent for the first outing (the staff camping trip).
Our first trip was to Fools Hollow Lake in Showlow. AZ. Jennie mentions this trip in one of her previous blogs. This was the start of my camping journey. We rarely go camping alone and our little camping family seems to be multiplying every few months!
Stay tuned for future blogs on our monthly trips from 2017 to current, campground details, trailer hacks and upgrades, and how our families grow with "Camping: Where Friends Become Family."